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Data Ingestion

There are various ways to get data into Omeda if you are collecting it via an outside source. This document will go through each option and help you determine which might work best for your use-case and workflow.

MethodDescriptionUse-CaseThings to Consider
Omeda APIsProvides the ability to post a transaction (customer order) to the Omeda database real-time.Website Registration happening outside of OmedaDeveloper needed on the client side to setup the API integration to push data to Omeda.
Data Management
One Time List Load
Allows a client to upload a list of customers via the Support Portal for our Data Management team to ingestOutside List Source, Event Registrants, Webinar AttendeesTypically, a one-time setup fee to create the program (or input) to process this data.
Once this input is created, the same file can be processed in the same format at no additional charge.
Data Management Auto-ProcessorFiles can be dropped to an Omeda hosted SFTP site, in an expected format, and will be automatically processed to Omeda.Telemarketing FilesFiles need to be dropped to a specified SFTP site and 2 constants (supplied by our DM team) will need to be added to the file.
You will work with our DM team to establish the expected layout. 
Data LoaderExternal facing tool that allows a client to upload a file and map the data to be loaded to Omeda.Event Registration, Whitepaper Downloads, Newsletter Opt Ins, Email Opt InsCurrently you can load customer data including demographics, email permissions, newsletter products & behaviors. 
Magazine & Website Registration coming in late 2024.
Data Loader Automated JobsExternal facing tool where files can be dropped to a specified SFTP site to be regularly ingested on an automated basis. Event Registration, Whitepaper Downloads, Outside Newsletter Opt In form, Email Opt InsAutomates a Data Loader job; same rules apply on the types of data that can be ingested via DL.
SFTP site can be client or Omeda hosted.
Data Loader
External facing tool that allows a client to create a webhook to pull data into Omeda on a real-time basis.Outside form useOnce the webhook is created, the client will need to map the data.
One webhook is recommended per form.
Same rules apply on the types of data that can be ingested through the DL Webhook.
*Form Listener
 *need to be an Omeda CDP customer to use this solution
CDP clients can place our javascript on a site that is hosting a form in order to collect the data. This sends the data to Omeda without the need of an API integration.Outside form useThe forms need to be a single page and need to allow for a 3rd party js to be running on the form. You need to work with Data Management in order to set up an Input for the data to be processed.
Processes Overnight.
Omeda FormsClients can build forms using Omeda’s Form Builder Tool. Data is connected directly to Omeda and can be processed real-time or overnight.Magazine Subscriptions, Preference Pages, Lead Forms, Registration Forms including Username/Password, Payment Forms, etcNo mapping needed since the Form Builder tool is connected directly to Omeda’s database.
If collecting payment, we connect your merchant account to our Hosted PCI integration to securely process payments.
Zapier IntegrationZapier is a tool that lets you connect various web applications, in this case third party webforms, and allows you to automate actions without a developer. If using either an Omeda webform or our form listener is not a viable option, using Zapier may be an alternative way to pull all of your data into your Omeda database.Outside form useClient must have a Zapier account in order to use this connector.
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