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Release Notes for V19.6


Dragon Opt In/Out Options

We have increased the Opt-In/Out options for Dragon forms. As a dragon form builder, you can either choose to build the form using the Checkbox Opt-In with Opt-outs, or Radio buttons with Opt-In/Out. The Checkbox method is a more passive Opt-Out option, collecting Opt-Outs on any unchecked boxes. The Radio buttons is an active option, where the subscriber must deliberately choose to opt in or out.


Dashboards Update
The Dashboards tool has been enhanced, but it’s more than just a look and feel.  The new version will include the existing Widget data along with more data and new visualizations.  The Dashboards will consist of two tabs with 21 widgets total.  Any new trend line data will require time to build, but existing trend lines will display currently.


Metering UI
Introducing Metering, the latest addition to Omeda’s CDP solution. This tool allows Omeda CDP clients to create limited or fully gated access to content based on audience segments or known vs unknown status. Customized messages can be set up to display at each incremental pageview, indicating the number of views left before a reader reaches their cap and (optionally) is met with a hard gate requiring registration and/or payment to continue viewing content. This allows for content gating and/or paywalls customized to a specific user. Metering can also be used in conjunction with Odyssey, Omeda’s Marketing Automation tool to add gating as part of a larger marketing voyage.


Metering Element
Odyssey Metering will function similarly to Personalization, Customer ID’s that are pushed to the metering element get appended to the Odyssey Audience that is assigned to the meter.  In the metering tool under “manage audiences” you can see the odyssey voyages that are assigned to a meter.  Meters would be set up ahead of time for various sites and then as a user creates a voyage they can assign these meters within their voyage.

Voyage End Dates
We have updated Odyssey to allow the ability to schedule an end date to a NEW voyage.  There are two options for this.  The first option being a Graceful Stop – no new customers will enter a Voyage but existing customers on the Voyage will continue until they reach the last Element.  The second is an Immediate Stop – no new customers will enter a Voyage and existing customers on the Voyage will stop where they are, and will not progress to the next Element.

Canvas Reporting
Reporting data will now be visible in blocks for the elements, giving the user a view of the voyage activity from the canvas screen.  These blocks will only be shown when a voyage status is In Progress or Done.  Reporting on the canvas can be enabled or disabled by using a toggle at the bottom right hand side of the screen.

Export Element
The Export Element will be added that will allow users to drag it onto the canvas after a Wait Element.  This new element will allow users to set up a frequency to send Customers either a list of Email Addresses or drop a file to a SFTP/FTP location. This new Element can be edited at any time to allow updates in case credentials or email addresses change.  This is similar to our current Lead Gen functionality, with the notable difference of it will only send the new customers since the last send.

Stop Element
The next new Element we have developed for Odyssey is a Stop Element.  Just like it sounds, this new Element will be a visual representation that the Voyage Path will stop and no further action on the customers will be allowed.

Filter Element
A new Filter Element has been added that will allow users to drag it onto a canvas after a Wait Element.  This will allow users to set up criteria only (no customers selected) to apply to each passenger that passes through it.  This element will then “Filter” passengers based on if they have met the criteria or not and will be sent down the appropriate path forward.

Pathfinder Element
And last (but certainly NOT least) new Element added in this build is the Pathfinder Element.  This will allow users to access passengers who have passed through the element so they can be queried easily in Audience Builder.  The Pathfinder Element, once given a unique name, will allow users to then go to Audience Builder, select the Voyage and the Pathfinder (by name), and access the list of Customers IDs.  Clients will also be able to query ALL Customers who were pulled into a Voyage as well.

Bee Plugin Integration

The Bee Plugin has been added for Easy Drag and Drop Email Building.  Now when setting up an Email Element the user will have a new option called “Builder”  –  Which will allow users to create emails via templates and/or a drag and drop builder within Odyssey.  This provides users with an easy way to upload/add images and use pre-built styled rows.  Users will NOW be able to save a Template file of an email and upload it to use on future emails.

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